Reading journal ideas/ inspo

22 Pins
This HAS to be the prettiest page in my reading journal ❣️ Here are all of the books on my shelves that I need to read before I buy… | Instagram
Bethany Brooks | Bookstagram on Instagram: "June Wrap Up🍓 June was a slow reading month for me, but a good one! SUPPLIES: •Canon Ivy Printer or HP Sprocket (they do the same thing!) •Canon Ivy or HP Sprocket Printer Paper (sticker back) •Archer & Olive Square Dot Grid Journal •Star rating stickers from @purplepiscescreations •Crayola Supertips •Tombow Fudensuke hard tip pen •Pigma Micron 01 pen •Zeyar Highlighters *All supplies can be found in my bio or storefront!* #bookbujo #bookishbu