
99 Pins
Planilha 10km Intermediario 8s | PDF
Planilha 21km Iniciante 16s PDF | PDF
O documento apresenta um plano de treinamento de 16 semanas para corredores iniciantes com o objetivo de completar uma prova de 21km. O plano inclui diferentes atividades de corrida e alongamento para cada dia da semana, começando com distâncias curtas e aumentando gradualmente ao longo das semanas.
Planilha 10km Intermediario 8s | PDF
Planilha 10km Intermediario 8s | PDF
Beginner 10k training plan
Many runners go on to run a 10k having completed a 5k – it’s the natural next milestone on their running journey. So if you’re looking to run your first 10k, the beginner 10k training plan in this guide has got you covered! Many people enjoy the 10k because it’s long enough to represent a challenge, but small enough to be a realistic and achievable distance. In fact, alongside the 5k, the 10k is one of the most popular running distances in the world.