Nakış teknikleri

168 Pins
Stitch Fun! Buttonholed Bullion Buttonhole Wheels
Stitch Fun! Buttonholed Bullion Buttonhole Wheels – Needle’
Square knot drizzle stitch
Square knot drizzle stitch tutorial. There are lots of stitches with their instructions on this site - some familiar and others I had not seen before. A must look for all embroiderers.
Openwork Insertion Seams - Work On The Scarf Continues
from Complete Encyclopedia of Needlework by T. deDillmont. This insertion seam consists of groups of 3 Buttonhole stitches, with the center stitch about twice the length of the 2 outer stitches.
���� #62 - ������ ���� ������� - ������ ��������� - Li-Sav
(64) / Фото #62 - Полный курс вышивки - Li-Sav
Мережка | Записи в рубрике Мережка | Дневник Багиреныш : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников
Мережка | Записи в рубрике Мережка | Дневник Багиреныш : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников
Openwork Insertion Seams - Work On The Scarf Continues
Baroque Embellishments: Openwork Insertion Seams - Work On The Scarf Continues