d i y ( i n s p i r e d )

438 Pins
DIY Spring Birds from toilet rolls!⁠
When all is gray and cold, colourful tweetybirds will brighten your day. Toilet paper rolls are a fantastic, simple craft base, and best of all: you already have them at home. Get in the habit of saving toilet paper rolls so that you always have a base to start from. Here, we turned them into beautiful birds using a bit of paint and Allround Markers. Paint and decorate the birds from your imagination!
DIY $10 Canvas Floating Frame - Jenna Sue Design
DIY $10 Canvas Floating Frame - Jenna Sue Design
Cool Hot Air Balloon Costume for a Toddler
Cool Hor Air Balloon Costume for a Toddler! Everyone please pin this for her to win a contest!!!
How to Make a Felt Peter Pan or Robin Hood Hat
Tutorial for making a green felt Peter Pan or Robin Hood hat, including tips for making a completely no sew version of this hat.