495 Pins
Patch & Arte com Lanmax - #aula24 - Blocos de Patchwork | Mosaic Block
Patch & Arte com Lanmax - #aula24 - Blocos de Patchwork | Mosaic Block - YouTube
Make a "Nine Patch on Point" Quilt with Jenny Doan of Missouri Star! (Video Tutorial)
MSQC Tutorial - Nine Patch on Point Quilt
quilt | Фотографии и советы на Постиле
Easy Cathedral Window Quilt: Simple Quilting Tutorial with Jenny Doan of Missouri Star Quilt Co (Missouri Star Quilt Company - YouTube)
Easy Cathedral Window Quilt: Simple Quilting Tutorial with Jenny Doan of Missouri Star Quilt Co (Missouri Star Quilt Company - YouTube)
Jenny's Studio Star Quilt (Missouri Star Quilt Company - YouTube)
Jenny's Studio Star Quilt | Missouri Star Quilt Company - YouTube | Bloglovin’
Make a Broken Orange Peel Quilt with Jenny (Missouri Star Quilt Company - YouTube)
Click here for supplies: Jenny demonstrates how to make an easy Broken Orange Peel Quilt using the Small Orange Peel Template for 5" Charm Packs, a lapel stick, yardag
Make a Super Easy Hourglass Quilt with Jenny Doan of Missouri Star! (Video Tutorial)
MSQC Tutorial - Super Easy Hourglass: made with 5" squares (need about 160 for 9x9 - added 2.5 and 5 inch borders)
Make the Basic X-Block Ruler Quilt (Missouri Star Quilt Company - YouTube)
Make the Basic X-Block Ruler Quilt (Missouri Star Quilt Company - YouTube)