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Apples to Apples // Manzanas COn Manzanas
Fun way for learning ser + adjectives: play Manzanas a Manzanas (Apples to Apples) with this free printable. Includes several printed cards, and blank cards to personalize for your classroom.
Ejercicios espanol-1
Está permitido copiar y distribuir copias de este eBook, pero no está permitido modificarlo. PROHIBIDA SU VENTA - NOT FOR ...
lenguaje y otras luces
Actividad canción "bonito", Jarabe de Palo para practicar los verbos regulares e irregulares del presente de de indicativo. http://lenguajeyotrasluces.wordpress.com/
Apples to Apples // Manzanas COn Manzanas
One of the first things I usually teach are adjectives. Especially when using TPRS (Total Physical Response Storytelling) I am constantly asking my students questions about the story or about pictures we are looking at. "Hay una familia. ¿Es una familia grande o pequeña? ¿Es una familia famosa? ¿El papá es alto o bajo?" To…
Position of Adjectives PowerPoint for Spanish One Distance Learning
FREE PowerPoint with engaging visuals for comprehensible input to help your students learn the position of the Spanish adjectives. This 28-slide PowerPoint, "Position of Adjectives for Spanish One" by Angie Torre demonstrates the proper placement of adjectives in Spanish and exceptions to the rule, bueno, malo, grande/gran. See what is included!
El aspecto físico: ¿Cómo son?
Me encanta escribir en español: El aspecto físico: ¿Cómo son?