boards of thesis

36 Pins
Urdu Poetry | Artwork for Wall | Allama Iqbal | Shaheen | Poetry Artwork Design | Tu Shaheen Hai, Basera Kar Paharon Ki Chatanon Mein
Allama Iqbal poetry collage artwork. This artwork is a riddle inspiration. When someone like's this artwork they go close to see more. Then they find the poetry that represents the artwork. نہيں تيرا نشيمن قصر سلطانی کے گنبد پر تو شاہيں ہے ، بسيرا کر پہاڑوں کی چٹانوں ميں Nahin Tera Nasheman Qasr-e-Sultani Ke Gunbad Par Tu Shaheen Hai, Basera Kar Paharon Ki Chatanon Mein Thy abode is not on the dome of a royal palace; You are an eagle and should live on the rocks of mountains. - Printed on 25
Post Card Collection - Made of Pakistan - Mariam Jajja
Post Card Collection - Made of Pakistan :: Behance