the state of liberty worksheet is shown in four different styles, including an american flag

Independence Day Activities National Holidays Unit – 4th of July Activities

Product Details
Independence Day includes THREE Lessons of Informational Text that foster Literacy in Social Studies by teaching 1st-3rd Grade students about the history of Independence Day, the Jefferson Memorial, and the Statue of Liberty with engaging hands-on higher and lower level activities. LESSON ONE – INDEPENDENCE DAY • Informational Text about the History of Independence Day • Reading Comprehension Questions (Short Answer) to assess Informational Text Comprehension • Following Directions Activity to Teach Students the true meaning of Independence LESSON TWO – THE JEFFERSON MEMORIAL • Informational Text about the History of the Jefferson Memorial • Reading Comprehension Questions (Multiple Choice) to assess Informational Text Comprehension • Thomas Jefferson Graphic Organizer and Writing Activity LESSON THREE – THE STATUE OF LIBERTY • Informational Text about the History of the Statue of Liberty • Reading Comprehension Questions (Short Answer) to assess Informational Text Comprehension • Lady Liberty Bookmark – Follow Written Directions (Functional Text Comprehension) – All patterns included • Independence Day Math: THREE Subtract 18 or Less Worksheets – 3 Levels of Difficulty In addition, students will make and play the game Race for the Difference to practice Subtracting 18 or Less. (Great for an Independence Day Math Center – All game materials included!) We've included color versions of the Independence Day lessons for your White Board, black and white versions of the lessons and activities to make copies for your students, answers pages, and grading rubrics for the higher-level activities. Download the Independence Day Preview to see the complete Table of Contents, Common Core Standard alignment, Lesson Plans, and sample activities and lessons. CHECK OUT OUR OTHER HOLIDAY RESOURCES: FREEBIE: BACK TO SCHOOL GRID MATH GRADES 1-3 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS INTERACTIVE UNIT GRADES 3-5 HALLOWEEN UNIT GRADES 3-5 WINTER HOLIDAY UNIT GRADES 3-5 CHRISTMAS GRID MATH GRADES 3-5 REINDEER GRID MATH GRADES 3-5 BLACK HISTORY GRID MATH BUNDLE GRADES 3-6PRESIDENT'S DAY: ABRAHAM LINCOLN GRID MATH GRADES 3-6 PRESIDENT'S DAY: GEORGE WASHINGTON GRID MATH GRADES 3-6 FREEBIE: ST. PATRICK'S DAY GRID MATH GRADES 3-6 Splash! Publications. Created by Teachers. It Just Makes Sense. RATING INDEPENDENCE DAY EARNS YOU TPT CREDITS TO USE TOWARD FUTURE PURCHASES AND GIVES US A WARM FUZZY FEELING! (c) 2012-Splash! Publications. Permission is granted to original purchasers to reproduce material as designated only for classroom use. No other part of this work may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems without written permission from the publisher, except by a reviewer, who may quote brief passages in a review.